
MOMS Club of Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PA Website: Visit Website
We know it's hard being a mom. We know you may have felt lonely or isolated at one point or another. While happy to dedicate your time to raising your children, you may still long for friendship and adult conversation. MOMS Club understands these needs and is here to offer support, wisdom, and encouragement. Not only is the MOMS Club an easy way to meet other moms, it's also a wonderful way for your children to meet other children, learn to play together, and make friends. A typical month's activities include playdates at a member's home, meetings at local parks and playgrounds, visits to children's museums and places of interest, as well as seasonal activities. Because our focus is on activities for moms and kids, children are welcome to attend all events. As a mother, you need an organization that understands your needs. Whether you stay at home with your children, work part-time or full-time, MOMS Club is a great way to find that support. Annual dues are minimal and the benefits are endless.